Friday, October 9, 2009

Wedding Tip, Wilmington DE

Wedding Tip, Wilmington DE

Same Day Edits are an exciting new way to allow your guests to again experience the beauty and pageantry of your wedding day. Same Day Edits refer to creating a short montage that focuses on the morning preparatory stages of a wedding and normally leads all the way to the end of the ceremony and possibly the first dance. It is about 7-10 minutes long and is shown at the reception. It's a great way to surprise your guests (and sometimes the bride and groom) with a quick recap of the events earlier in the day. I've done several and they are great. If your budget allows I would suggest considering it.
I did one for Martinique & Albert Wilson and it turned out beautifully. Martinique didn't realize that her father kissed her shortly before escorting her down the aisle and it was a way of immediately reliving that experience. While the groomsmen were getting dressed they talked the groom into breakdancing and it was fabulous. The guests, not to mention the bride and groom, had a great time viewing it and laughing about it.

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